5. Conclusion

5. Conclusions

The aim of our experiment was to find out how the concentration of coffee will vary over time, our hypothesis was that it will constantly increase. However, based on the results we have obtained through the experimentation and data analysis stages, there is a peak where the concentration is the highest. The peak which the concentration is the highest most occurs most often between the 25th and 40th minute. That is observed in 5 out of the 6 samples of grounded coffee beans we experimented on. Therefore, our hypothesis is not entirely wrong, just that after the peak the concentration will drop.

5.1 Practical Applications

In the modern society, people have been wanting better and better coffee. As the standards of consumers become higher, the standard of the coffee in the market will have to improve. We have found out the caffeine peak of a few brands of coffee based on our experiment and observed a general trend. With this data and extended research and experiments, we will be able to determine the exact caffeine peak of every individual type of coffee. Thus, coffee makers in the market will be able to produce specific types of coffee that is high in caffeine, being served when the caffeine peak of the coffee occurs so as to meet the consumer’s wants.

5.2 Areas for further study

To expand our research further, we could research on the other aspects of coffee that could possibly affect the concentration of coffee. There are over a thousand chemicals in coffee and there are many of which that varies the concentration over a time period. If we are able to find the main chemicals that vary the concentration, we could possibly find the best time to brew the coffee such that it is the perfect cup.
